Guitar vs. Fish: They’re More Similar Than You Might Think

Have you ever thought about the difference between a guitar and a fish? I know, it’s a weird question, but it’s one that I’ve been pondering for a while now.

And the more I think about it, the more I realize that these two creatures are actually more alike than you might think.


We’ll first talk about the clear differences before moving on to the similarities.

The inspiration for this topic came from a classic dad joke.

What’s the difference between a Guitar and a Fish?

The Answer: “You can tune a guitar, but you can’t tuna fish!”

Let me explain this Joke. ( Guitar Pros, Skip to the next section!🤪)

If you’re a guitarist, you’ll know that tuning your guitar is an essential part of playing it. You need to adjust the strings so that they’re all at the correct pitch, or else your guitar will sound out of tune.

But what about fish? Can you tune a fish? Of course not! Fish don’t have strings, so there’s nothing to tune.

But they do have scales, which are the bony plates that cover their bodies.

Guitar Scale vs Fish Scale

Scales are important for fish because they protect them from predators and parasites, and they also help them to move through the water.

But fish scales have nothing to do with music, so you can’t actually tune them.

In addition to the pun, there are actually a few differences between guitars and fish.

Let me enlist them below:

  • Guitars are made of wood, while fish are made of flesh and bone.
  • Guitars have strings, while fish have scales.
  • Guitars are played with your hands, while fish are propelled by their fins.
  • Guitars make music, while fish make noise (If you think so!).
  • Guitars can be used to express yourself creatively, while fish are mostly just there to be eaten. (or grilled😒)

Similarities between a Guitar and a Fish

Now, it’s time to talk about the similarities.


As I mentioned before, both guitars and fish have scales. If you look at it from a different perspective, Fish’s scales are the things that allow them to make music.

Let me explain. When a fish swims, the water vibrates its scales, which creates sound.

The gentle and soothing melody created by the rhythmic movement of fish gracefully navigating through the water is something that captivates the hearts of many lovers of the aquatic world.

Guitars have strings. But what are strings if not glorified fish scales? When you pluck a guitar string, it vibrates and creates sound. So, in a way, guitars are just musical fish.

Despite their differences, I think that guitars and fish have a lot to teach us. Both of these creatures are resilient and adaptable. They’ve both survived for millions of years, and they’ve both found ways to thrive in even the most challenging environments.

So next time you’re feeling down, just remember: there’s always a guitar or a fish out there that’s worse off than you. And if they can make it, so can you.

Embrace the ebb and flow of existence, where melodies and aquatic tales intertwine, weaving a tapestry of resilience.


In conclusion, I’ll say that while you can’t tuna fish, you can still have a lot of fun playing your guitar.

But seriously, though, guitars are awesome. And fish are too. So if you’re ever bored, pick up a guitar and start playing. Or go fishing. Or do both. Just have fun and enjoy the journey.

Guitar vs. Fish FAQs

Q: Can you really tune a guitar?

A: Yes, you can tune a guitar by adjusting the strings so that they are all at the correct pitch. You can use a variety of tools to tune your guitar, such as an electronic tuner, a tuning fork, or your own ear.

Q: Why do fish have scales?

A: Fish have scales for protection and locomotion. Scales protect fish from predators and parasites, and they also help fish to move through the water by reducing drag.

Q: Can fish hear music?

A: Yes, fish can hear music, but they don’t hear it in the same way that humans do. Fish have inner ears that detect vibrations in the water, and they can use this sense to hear music. However, fish don’t have the same auditory cortex as humans, so they don’t process music in the same way that we do.

Q: Can fish play the guitar?

A: No, fish cannot play the guitar. Fish don’t have the necessary appendages to play a guitar, and they also don’t have the cognitive abilities to understand what they’re doing.

Q: Why can’t you tuna fish?

A: The word “tuna” is a play on the word “tune”. The joke is that you can adjust the strings on a guitar to make it sound in tune, but you cannot adjust the scales on a fish to make it sound in tune.

I hope this FAQ has answered some of your questions about guitars and fish.

Now, go out there and have some fun playing your guitar!😍

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